

Removing the old.
For upper and lower control arm bushings (with metal shell):
This is the method for removing upper and lower control arm bushings, these all have an outer metal shell surrounding the rubber insert and inner shaft.


Step 1. Chisel around the flanged edge. That’s it. A big hammer and WD40 will help. If you have a powered chisel that will be better. Be sure to not chisel in only one place or you will split the metal, spread it around all sides of the bushing lip, so it comes out evenly.


Upper control arms:
Just clean everything up and you’re ready to install new bushings. See here how to do this.


Lower control arms:
The rubber inserts have been removed prior to these photos, this is not necessary, I was not certain whether new bushings came with the outer shell, but now know they do.

Just clean everything up and you’re ready to install new bushings. See here how to do this.



For rear traction bar bushing (no metal shell):
This is the method for one of the rear traction bar bushings that has no outer metal shell and is just the rubber press-fitted into the arm. Best way would be to press it out, but if you can’t do that…


If pressure won’t budge it, just burn it! The rubber anyway. Keep heating on both sides, not letting the flame go out. This is very messy and smelly, but eventually the inner shaft will easily knock out, and then the rubber can be removed by pushing or scraping.

Just clean everything up and you’re ready to install new bushings. See here how to do this.







Installing the new.
Will be updated as soon as I install mine.

Dave | 29th August 2012 at 1:26 am

Anyone know where I can get hold of some news bushings for the rear traction bar…

Lloyd | 29th August 2012 at 9:29 am

When I was looking I could not find these anywhere. In the end I had to use a polyurethane bushing from http://www.P-S-T.com (the rest of my bushings I used rubber). I can’t find the part on their website but maybe try contacting them. Cheers


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