Archive: Engine

Car started for last time.

Car did not want to start. Gravity fed petrol through pump but to no avail. Found 2 fractured rubber lines at the carb, so temporarily taped them up. Still no different. Recharged battery, and still no change, so cleaned battery terminals and the clamps, whilst doing this noticed the negative cable has deteriorated significantly and almost fell out the clamp crimp. Repaired this cable with a spare one from the…
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Compression test again.

Car started straight away today. Thought I’d do the cylinder compression test again before moving on to test the intake and fuel fump vacuum pressures. But, battery run out after the compression test, so intake vacuum will have to be tomorrow. The difference in results from yesterday, although minor, are probably due to the engine being hotter as the test was conducted quicker this time round. Curious why number 4…
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Compression test.

Car would not start today. Ha. Gravity fed petrol into pump then reattached fuel lines and car runs. Unsure of problem. Performed compression tests on the cylinders of the engine – remove all spark plugs, then screw the gauge into each spark plug hole whilst turning the engine over.   An engine overhaul is intended (new gaskets, piston rings etc.) but this test should flag up any serious problems. Diagnosed…
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And it fired up.

Gravity fed petrol into pump via hose and funnel, with pump to carb line fully attached. Turned engine over, everything fired.   Pretty f*cking loud. (Probably due to the sawn-off, half length, rusty exhaust pipes)   Turned it off. And on again, sounds good, no obvious misfires or horrendous noises. Topped up water and oil levels, reattached fuel tank to fuel pump. Turned key and engine fires, idles indefinitely –…
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Fuel pump again.

Took fuel pump out again, manually pumped it to get a better feel for how much force is needed on the lever. Then tested it by holding the pump in the opening for the lever whilst the engine is turning. Cam movement is definately sufficient to move lever. Bolted back on.   Attached hose to fuel inlet on the pump and the other end of the hose in a fuel…
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Tested fuel lines.

Loosened fuel line from fuel pump to carburetter, turned engine over and no fuel leaking out at the pump – indicates no fuel would get into the carb.   Noticed one of the corners of the metal fuel line from pump to carb very slightly flattened, but nothing to cause any real restriction. Undid line from tank to pump – bone dry. Attached hose to the fuel line from tank…
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Cleaned ignition coil contacts.

Tried spraying WD40 down carburetter barrels, nothing happens, could indicate faulty ignition electrics, could not. Pulled out ignition coil and tested resistances on primary and secondary windings, appears to be good, gives a large ratio of the in/out voltages. Cleaned case and contacts while it was out. Put back in, no difference to start up. Tested spark plugs, there are sparks at each plug.…
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Recharged battery back in.

Recharged battery back in. Replaced the sheared and rusty battery clip bolts. Engine turns over at a greater rate and sounds somewhat healthy but doesn’t fire. Battery was part of the problem, must have lost it’s charge in transit. 10L of petrol put in, no change.   Problem must lie with either igniton electrics or fuel system. Quickly tested, there are sparks at all spark plug leads.…
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More stripping out. Starter Motor off.

Pulled out some more interior fittings and cleaned the transmission tunnel of the insulation or sound proofing sheets.   Engine dosen’t turn over, starter solenoid clicks – pinion gear engages with flywheel, but starter motor does not turn. When jump started a faint whir of the starter motor and the belts and fan moves slowly.   Unbolted and dewired Starter Motor and started cleaning outside casing with wire brush and…
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