To remove the crank shaft, the crank shaft clamps/bearing caps must be removed.
1 – Bearing cap bolts all loosened. 2 – Gently knock the cap free. 3 – The 5 bearing caps.
Now the crank shaft can simply be lifted up and out.
Now with the engine stripped… you have a very big, very heavy paperweight……
Removing cam shaft.
With the timing chain, gears and cover all removed (see previous posts) removing the cam shaft is very simple. Just undo the thrust washer and it’ll slide out (carefully).
Removing timing chain and gears.
With the timing chain cover off, it is just a case of unbolting the camshaft gear…
… And pulling the gear and chain off.…
Removing pistons.
First is to flip the engine upside down and remove the oil pump and pan.
Showing the crankshaft and piston connecting rod ends…
It may be needed to rotate the crankshaft until a piston connecting rod end in accessible and also in line with the piston.
1 – The piston rod bolts undone. 2 – The bearing cap gently knocked free. 3 – The bearing cap removed.…
Removing crank shaft pulley and timing chain cover.
To remove the crankshaft pulley and timing chain cover…
To remove the pulley is simple. It’s held on by 6 bolts to the harmonic balancer. It may be necessary to slide something (screwdriver etc) through an access hole to stop the pulley from rotating.
Now to remove the harmonic balancer. A screwdriver through a hole will stop it from rotating. A large bar on the end of the…
Removing cylinder heads from block.
First remove the valve covers.
Then the valley cover.
Now remove the rocker arm assemblies, these are held on by a nut. Now the push rod can be pulled out. Be sure to organise where eveything came from, so if need be it can go back in the same place. I used cardboard, polystyrene and bags and numbered everything.
Now the valve lifters can be removed by…
Mounting the engine.
The engine. I see a clown face…
1 – The mounting bracket. 2 – A box of 50 Grade 8 3.5″ 3/8 UNC bolts. I only want 4. 3 – 100 Grade 8 3/8 washers.I had to ship the bolts and washers in from the USA as I could not find any Grade 8 imperial hardware anywhere in the UK. And the only place that shipped internationally only had packs of…
Removing intake and exhaust manifolds.
The engine in it’s very own, new, home:
1 – the intake manifold. 2 – all the manifold bolts removed, I didn’t follow a sequence for undoing them just dotted about loosening each one gradually. 3 – hard to see but there was a bolt that is screwed into the manifold with a nut holding it to the timing chain cover. This would not play nice, so I had to chop…
Removing torque converter and flywheel.
Getting ready to mount the engine for a rebuild. So, with it still on the crane had to remove the torque convertor and flywheel (AKA flex plate).
It is held on by 3 bolts, and access is limited. Found one place (the low left as you look at the flywheel) that a socket would fit and also hit against the side of the engine to stop the torque converter…
Engine and trans out.
Hoisted the engine and transmission out. Used two 1ton straps wrapped round the sump. Looks like it’s ready to slide out the slings, but it didn’t, it was fine.
Ready to be stripped and rebuilt, some time.…
Stripped off engine components.
Took off the fuel pump, oil pump, carburetor, some fluid lines and more.
Before and after:
After cleaning:
Ready for the engine and transmission to be pulled out now.…