How I installed the complete heater and blower motor assembly (non-AC).
Unfortunately the restored original heater box and blower motor assembly was lost at the paint shop, but the repro one is practically identical. After a few failed attempts I managed to find a new radiator core that will fit. It’s deeper than the original but the pipes are in the right place at the right angles, so it’ll…
Problem report (what else)
Apologies for the complete lack of posts in 2012! – progress is not quite as ongoing as I would’ve hoped… Anyway, last summer I purchased a cast iron 4bbl intake (not date correct, but that doesn’t bother me too much). Here it is:
This was a typical eBay “perfect working condition”… clear, heavy rust pitting at the exhaust crossover and water ports. My engine shop suggested any…
Problems fixed. Took her out for a “spin”
Kind of, but we’ll get to that. A quick before and after. Before, I had a surging idle (from 660 up to 940 rpm at the worst of times) with random stalls and weak vacuum (~ 14 inHg). Now, I have rock-steady idle (850 +/-10 rpm) and good strong vacuum (18 inHg). Here’s a video showing the typical readings I get, both ‘before’ and ‘after’ the fix. Vacuum gauge on…
Good to be back / Where we stand
Good to be back!
I hadn’t taken a break from the car, just the website (minus the slight redesign). That was down to having nothing news-worthy to mention. Just problem after problem after problem. I’m now left with (hopefully) just the one problem which will (should) be simple to fix. I’ll make my way to that, after filling in on what I’ve been up to…
So, I drove…
Rochester Quadrajet Carburetor Rebuild
How to rebuild a Rochester Quadrajet carburetor. For now, this is just a dump of all the remaining pictures I have of the rebuild process (unfortunately a few got corrupted on my failing hard drive). In time I will write the article step-by-step and arrange the photos in a logical order. For now, the photos may be of some help as a reference. Click on any image to view larger.…
Long, Long Way From Done (But Getting There)
With only a few things to work out with the engine now, it’s time to get the body ready for all the work it desperately needs. Haven’t yet decided whether I’m going to yank the engine to make painting the bulkhead(firewall) easier/possible, so these panels will more than likely come off again, and knowing me, more than once.
So, acknowledging this as a mock up… the front wheelhouses and…
Show Business
Everything (…almost) I bought as mentioned here has been bolted on and set up… looks a bit newer and showier than the humdrum look it was sporting a little while back.
Installed: New starter motor, new radiator, new alternator, new manifold, new carb, new rocker covers and air cleaner, new ignition coil and new spark plug leads.
Removed: Smog pump. No real reason for me to keep it…
MagnaFlow exhaust fitted, sounds awesome
Video in post… Had to make a section of pipe to go between the extension pipes out of the X-pipe and the headers. The pipes, centre to centre, were narrower than the headers, and hang lower to the ground. The rest was fairly straight forward to install. The car was orignally a single exhaust, so there were not the provisions to hang dual pipes. But, this just required a few…
Not Dead Yet
Finally… an update! Only, a year in waiting… The engine has been fully rebuilt, and is back in the car. Video below!
The electronics were lashed up to prove the engine. The current coil and points will be replaced soon with a Pertronix FlameThrower II coil and Ignitor II module. The intake and carb will be replaced with an Edelbrock manifold and Holley carb. The radiator replaced with…