Archive: Transmission

Problem report (what else)

Apologies for the complete lack of posts in 2012! – progress is not quite as ongoing as I would’ve hoped… Anyway, last summer I purchased a cast iron 4bbl intake (not date correct, but that doesn’t bother me too much). Here it is:       This was a typical eBay “perfect working condition”… clear, heavy rust pitting at the exhaust crossover and water ports. My engine shop suggested any…
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Good to be back / Where we stand

Good to be back! I hadn’t taken a break from the car, just the website (minus the slight redesign). That was down to having nothing news-worthy to mention. Just problem after problem after problem. I’m now left with (hopefully) just the one problem which will (should) be simple to fix. I’ll make my way to that, after filling in on what I’ve been up to…     So, I drove…
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Removing drive shaft U-joint.

The driveshaft universal joint to be removed. This doesn’t rotate smoothly – it’s very clunky – so a new one will be installed after the shaft is painted.   First step is to remove the retaining C-clips. Any tool with a point will do for this.   Now the u-joint will be able to move (forcibly, not freely) for the next step. Put a socket larger than the u-joint bearing…
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Removing torque converter and flywheel.

Getting ready to mount the engine for a rebuild. So, with it still on the crane had to remove the torque convertor and flywheel (AKA flex plate).   It is held on by 3 bolts, and access is limited. Found one place (the low left as you look at the flywheel) that a socket would fit and also hit against the side of the engine to stop the torque converter…
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Cleaned transmission.

Before (large chunks of dirt and grease have been scraped off): Applying Gunk degreaser: After first application of Gunk and pressure washing: And, after second application of Gunk (from here it’ll be hand sanded and polished cleaned some more and painted black.):…
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Engine and trans out.

Hoisted the engine and transmission out. Used two 1ton straps wrapped round the sump. Looks like it’s ready to slide out the slings, but it didn’t, it was fine.   Ready to be stripped and rebuilt, some time.…
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