Well OK it’s still not on 4 wheels… but it’s getting there. I got the body off the AutoTwirler and back on to the rebuilt front subframe
Rear end
Finally… an update!
So, where the car stands… 2 noise complaints from the council down the line, all the grinding of welds is done. The body and panels have been shotblasted again and not by a cowboy with an air compressor and a bucket of sand, this time hopefully by a professional. Everything is primered in Eastwood epoxy.
The subframe has been fully rebuilt with new…
Been busy…
Haven’t had much too much time for the car in the last couple of months… But a fair bit has been done. The trunk pan is in, the right hand shock mount, trunk extension and trunk filler panels have all been put in, and so has the inner and outer wheelhouses.
There is still a load of spot (plug with my MIG) welds to do and also some…
Removing traction arm bushings.
The traction arm aka radius rod aka torque arm aka whatever else…
Pressure wouldn’t budge these bushings so the alternative was this. The traction arm front bushing being burned out with a weed burning torch.
I burned the rear one out as I wasn’t sure how the new ‘Ultimate Performance High Technology Polygraphite’ (overkill compared to all my other rubbers, but it’s all I could find) bushings would…
Whole Lotta Rust (removal).
Spent today breathing in lots of rust dust. I had planned on shot-blasting away most of the rust with the thought that a new compressor and gun would make the job a piece of cake. It is still very time consuming and tedious, so to speed it up I’ve used a flap wheel on an angle grinder to get most of the rust away, then plan to use the shot-blaster…
Took out rear axle.
Took out the rear axle assembly. This was just a case of un-attaching the shocks then unclamping the leaf springs, the traction bar was already unbolted from the body. The leaf springs are being a little stubborn, so I separated them under the car and am going to take them out later.
Before / after:
Before / after:
Axle Assembly:…