Archive: Disassembly

Removed wheel studs, dismantled front brakes.

Started with this:   Removing wheel studs is easy… … just hit with a hammer and they pop through. Notice two of the removed studs had sheared, luckily there was still enough to hit with a hammer to knock them out. If there isn’t anything for the hammer to hit just use another wheel stud, thread end touching the broken stud and hit the head with the hammer.   To…
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Headliner bows and insulation removed.

Pulled out the spring headliner bows, labeling each one as they have specific designations. Using a paint scraper, scraped away at the headliner insulation. Very dusty work.   Bows and headliner insulation still in place:   The bare metal roof:…
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Stripped dash out.

Everything but the ignition switch taken out. Need to work out how to remove the ignition switch.   Radio:   Heater:…
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Shocks and leaf springs.

Took out the rear shocks and leaf springs. Someone in the past did a rather shitty repair for one of the rear shocks where it had rotted and fallen through the trunk pan mounts, they made a bodge plate and bolted it to the rear frame. To get the leaf springs out was a little tricky; a couple of the front bracket mount bolts just turned as they had separated…
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Took out rear axle.

Took out the rear axle assembly. This was just a case of un-attaching the shocks then unclamping the leaf springs, the traction bar was already unbolted from the body. The leaf springs are being a little stubborn, so I separated them under the car and am going to take them out later.   Before:   Before / after:   Before / after:   Axle Assembly:…
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Removing lower control arm ball joints and bushings.

Removing lower control arm ball joints: Place the old castle nut upside down on the ball joint, and hit hard with a hammer. After successive knocks the ball joint backing plate will fall off and the ball joint will fall through.   The removal process is not finished, it is continued here. Or, see my how-to article.     Removing lower control arm bushings: If after brute force applied…
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Stripped off engine components.

Took off the fuel pump, oil pump, carburetor, some fluid lines and more.   Before and after:   After cleaning:   Ready for the engine and transmission to be pulled out now.…
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Took off rear bumper and other things.

Sheared another bolt on the towbar – these really were rusted through, and the the last remaining one just spins in its hole, so had to drill the heads off all the bolts. The bumper and towbar then fell off. Also took out the last rear quarter window (had to cut and pull the plastic roller off). Removed some strips along the floor and in the door area, and removed…
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Windshield out.

Used a stanley knife and a guitar string to cut the rubber seal around the window. Got 3 sides done nicely, but on the fourth could not get the knife blade in properly nor the string all the way through; no matter what angle, how hard or how many times I tried. Eventually stabbed most of it away using just the tip of the blade. Lifted windsheild out and as…
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Doors off and a couple windows out.

Took both doors off. Took rear window and one rear quarter window out. The rubber seal for the back window had almost completely disintegrated so the glass just lifted out. One quarter window was seperated from its tracks (a plastic roller has fallen off) so this was also simple – the other side is still connected to the guide tracks, so I’ll leave it for now. Don’t do this to…
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Not much done.

It decided to snow so not much done. Took trunk lid off and cleaned the trunk area out. Some pictures of the rust near the shock towers are below. Took tail lights out. Tried to take the bumper off but a mounting bolt in the trunk just spins, and I sheared the two mounting bolts for the towbar which connects to the bumper… too damned cold to sort it out…
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