Settling in…
Settling into its new (temporary) home, next to a Triumph GT6 and an Aston Martin DB6. No work done as yet.…
Good to be back / Where we stand
Good to be back!
I hadn’t taken a break from the car, just the website (minus the slight redesign). That was down to having nothing news-worthy to mention. Just problem after problem after problem. I’m now left with (hopefully) just the one problem which will (should) be simple to fix. I’ll make my way to that, after filling in on what I’ve been up to…
So, I drove…
Long, Long Way From Done (But Getting There)
With only a few things to work out with the engine now, it’s time to get the body ready for all the work it desperately needs. Haven’t yet decided whether I’m going to yank the engine to make painting the bulkhead(firewall) easier/possible, so these panels will more than likely come off again, and knowing me, more than once.
So, acknowledging this as a mock up… the front wheelhouses and…
Not Dead Yet
Finally… an update! Only, a year in waiting… The engine has been fully rebuilt, and is back in the car. Video below!
The electronics were lashed up to prove the engine. The current coil and points will be replaced soon with a Pertronix FlameThrower II coil and Ignitor II module. The intake and carb will be replaced with an Edelbrock manifold and Holley carb. The radiator replaced with…
AutoTwirler for sale!!
AutoTwirler Car Rotisserie — SOLD!
Click Here…
♫ Back On The Floor Again
Well OK it’s still not on 4 wheels… but it’s getting there. I got the body off the AutoTwirler and back on to the rebuilt front subframe