Finally… an update!

So, where the car stands… 2 noise complaints from the council down the line, all the grinding of welds is done. The body and panels have been shotblasted again and not by a cowboy with an air compressor and a bucket of sand, this time hopefully by a professional. Everything is primered in Eastwood epoxy.






The subframe has been fully rebuilt with new nut-end-style control arm shafts. Also had the lower ball joints pushed in. I have a few old bolts to replace, and a couple parts to touch up with paint, but this is now pretty much done. The axle has had new bearings, I am currently waiting on new studs for the wheels, and once these arrive the wheels can be put on, and this too will be done.


So from here, the underbody of the car is going to have all the welds sealed and then the whole thing sprayed with underseal. Then, back onto the subframe and axle… i.e. 4 wheels!

danny avalos | 18th July 2009 at 9:11 am

Wow the bird is comin along great. Can;t wait to see it on four wheels again

Paul | 20th July 2009 at 5:18 pm

Great to see you are back…was getting worried you had thrown in the towel.

Looks great…keep going!!!!


p.s. I have a ’67 rag 400 in storage than needs just what you are doing.


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