Been busy…

Haven’t had much too much time for the car in the last couple of months… But a fair bit has been done. The trunk pan is in, the right hand shock mount, trunk extension and trunk filler panels have all been put in, and so has the inner and outer wheelhouses.



There is still a load of spot (plug with my MIG) welds to do and also some seams welds to tidy up and grind down. But everything is all in and not going anywhere. Quite impressed with how everything has lined up. There’ll be a more detailed step-by-step post for the left hand side. Next thing I do though will probably be the floors, as there are a few extra problems with the left hand side shock mount which has rotted away to nothing – so a fair bit of work needs to be done to make it structurally sound… so I’ll just delay the problem, and do the floors first.


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