The sail panels I previously installed turned to sh!t. I think it was poor quality contact adhesive that melted in the heat… I had previously made these panels myself as I thought they needed to be a little larger than original to cover up a couple errors in the headliner install. As it turns outs the stock size will work, just about, though if you push and look closely you can see a bare metal gap between the headliner and sail panel. Anyway, they look much better now! Pics below.
- The old floppy sail panel
- I yanked the old panels out
- The new sail panels. I’m installing them with heavy duty velcro
- The sail location in the car with Velcro
- The panel pushed into place
- The ront edge is covered up by the headliner ribbon seam, and the back edge covered up by the rear window trim
- And the passenger side
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