Kind of, but we’ll get to that. A quick before and after. Before, I had a surging idle (from 660 up to 940 rpm at the worst of times) with random stalls and weak vacuum (~ 14 inHg). Now, I have rock-steady idle (850 +/-10 rpm) and good strong vacuum (18 inHg). Here’s a video showing the typical readings I get, both ‘before’ and ‘after’ the fix. Vacuum gauge on…
Good to be back / Where we stand
Good to be back!
I hadn’t taken a break from the car, just the website (minus the slight redesign). That was down to having nothing news-worthy to mention. Just problem after problem after problem. I’m now left with (hopefully) just the one problem which will (should) be simple to fix. I’ll make my way to that, after filling in on what I’ve been up to…
So, I drove…