Ooo, new stuff!

Received a big delivery of parts from Summit yesterday. Amongst the parts are… an aluminium Edelbrock Performer intake manifold (gaskets not included, by the way), an Optima 800CCA battery, a Pertronix FlameThrower II ignition coil and spark plug leads (universal, not yet cut to size), a TuffStuff 70A alternator and a Summit ProTorque high-torque mini starter.


Some nice chrome dress up bits, a Moroso air cleaner and tall valve covers, plus oil breathers and caps.


Summit aluminium radiator and a new petrol tank.


And here, not delivered from Summit, but bought as a core and a rebuild kit from Cliff Ruggles is my rebuilt QuadraJet, just waiting for the electic choke to arrive, but near enough complete.


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