Driver floor now exists.

Here is (what remains of) the original driver side floor. Somewhat lacking in metal.


The replacement pan to be cut on the black line. And positioned in situ. The panel doesn’t fit too well; the recesses do not line up with the originals under the car… It’s as if everything needs to be shifted half an inch to the left but the left edge of the pan is restricting that – so this left edge will have to be reshaped (bashed with a hammer and heat) to allow the whole pan to be correctly aligned.


1. The outer line is the outline of the new pan. The inner line is what is to be cut away of the original floor. 2. The old floor cut out.


1. The replacement pan has been reshaped slightly and now fits snugly. It has been trimmed round the edges to allow for an inch of overlap on the original floor. 2. The new inner line is where the replacement panel now sits. I also did some more cutting away of the original floor – the main thing is the far left side of the old floor has been cut flush to the rocker. 3. The new pan with holes punched around the perimeter at 1.5″ spacing and the original floor ground down to clean metal, ready for welding.


And after, welded in place:

1 Comment
Dave Roberts (halifax England) | 26th December 2009 at 12:51 am

Could you please contact me Im also restoring a 1967 326 Firebird but its a convertible maybe we can be of use to each other

Reards Dave Roberts


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