In preparation for mounting on the recently purchased AutoTwirler (still waiting on the leaf spring mount brackets) I’ve braced the rear end. This (paired with the prior support braces) should stop any corkscrew-ing or sagging when the car is rotated. Once mounted, it is off to the ‘blasters for cleaning, then when it gets back it’ll be time for putting together the new arse-end of the car. For this, this…
September 2008
Assembling the AutoTwirler.
The AutoTwirler (car rotisserie) arrived (rusty). There’s not much to assembly…
You get two of these ends. Three wheels for each. The wheels are on plates that slot into a seat, then a single bolt holds them in.
These three bars are to tie the two ends together. They come packaged inside the swinging t-bars.
Now it’s assembled I can see that I’m gonna have to either…
Cut up the door skins.
In preparation for the blast cleaning, I cut out a large section of the door skin, to expose the hidden side of the interior door wall. I’m trying to maximize what needs cleaning gets blasted, and minimize what doesn’t (as in what needs to replaced for sure).
Before / after of the right hand door:
…and the other side:
Not much left of the car now…