For this I used Bilt Hamber Dynax S-50 (anti-corrosion for cavities). Only way to tell if it’s really any good is to wait a few years. It certainly applied easily and got good coverage, and is definitely water repellent. When it dries it has a rubbery flexible feeling.
Subframe inside. Before and After:
This is a fantastic website!! Keep up the good work, I am going to buy a firebird in the next couple of months and I will be looking at your website often!!
You’re work looks fantastic I was just gifted a 67 firebird from a family member who can not finish the restoration due to health reasons. I’ll defiantly be referring to this site quite often during the process. Did you do anything as far as removing any rust from inside those cavities prior to using that Dynax S-50 or did you just apply it over what was already there? I’m curious how you would remove the rust from the cavities.