Driver floor now exists.
Here is (what remains of) the original driver side floor. Somewhat lacking in metal.
The replacement pan to be cut on the black line. And positioned in situ. The panel doesn’t fit too well; the recesses do not line up with the originals under the car… It’s as if everything needs to be shifted half an inch to the left but the left edge of the pan is restricting…
Rear seat rust repair.
Was just going to do a small patch job to the side of the support plate (it’s the plate that the traction arm bolts to from underneath). But thought I had better remove the plate and see the extent of the damage… It was pretty ugly underneath, with a lot of metal rotted to nothing and a fair few pinholes. So it’d be best to do a larger patch panel.…
And the second floor is in.
There were too many little rust holes to patch up, so the whole floor is to be replaced. First was to decide and mark out how much of the old floor to cut out.
Then, the cut out section is overlaid on the new floor pan and drawn around. Then enlarge the outline by about an inch or so all around and cut out the new pan.
The first floor in.
Welded the rear end section a bit more, but have decided I’m going to go round and do all the welds in one go (a few will be done when installing the panels to hold them in position and for body strength)… so I will proceed with installing more panels. Today I put in the new right side rear floor pan. This was very straightforward… Cut the old one out,…
Been busy…
Haven’t had much too much time for the car in the last couple of months… But a fair bit has been done. The trunk pan is in, the right hand shock mount, trunk extension and trunk filler panels have all been put in, and so has the inner and outer wheelhouses.
There is still a load of spot (plug with my MIG) welds to do and also some…
Car is back… !!
The car was delivered back to me early this evening, looking decidedly better.
So, after sandblasting and priming, this is what the body now looks like:
Dash, roof and the see-through rear end:
The underside:
Hood, boot and cowl:
Overall, I’m pretty pleased with the results of the sandblasting, certainly a lot easier to work with now, and nicer to look at. There…
Car is gone…
The car was picked up last night (Tuesday) and taken to the shotblasters. They should be working on it today (Wednesday) and deliver it back tomorrow (Thursday). Quite exciting.
Though it is a little sad to see the empty spot on the driveway:…
More AutoTwirlin’ fun.
Rotating the body 90 degrees made me realise the body on the AutoTwirler was acting more like a pendulum than a rotisserie – in that it didn’t want to rotate through many degrees with ease. This meant the center of gravity of the body shell was not aligned with the pivot point of the AutoTwirler. Today I corrected this by raising the body about a foot higher than previously… now…
AutoTwirler in action.
Not much work is being done to the car lately… Anyway, today I rotated the body shell 90 degrees just for the sake of it…
Hopefully now I can arrange an appointment with the shot-blasters and by the end of the month, or sooner, the body will all be clean metal and paint-primed… ready to start some actual repair work, instead of just pulling/cutting everything off the car.…
Et voila…
The adapter brackets for the AutoTwirler finally arrived (last week) and today was nice out, so, I got round to mounting the body. Took a while but got it done…
First, I had to roughly set up the AutoTwirler with the two ends at the the front and back of the car with the middle bar connecting the two whilst the body was still on blocks.
Then, using a mix…